Two days after a rocket slammed into a soccer pitch in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights, killing 12 children, many ...
New York: Pakistan hopes that whoever is elected as President of the United States in the November election would pay ...
MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights—Local authorities in Majdal Shams recently began preparing for war to come to the village in the ...
Tributes have been paid to Kim Sengupta, the renowned foreign correspondent, after a career in which he covered virtually ...
According to the US State Department’s Rewards for Justice program, Fuad Shukr — aka Hajj Mohsin — serves as a senior military adviser to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. He also sits on the Jihad ...
LONDON – Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison for directing a terrorist group, days after he was convicted in Woolwich Crown Court of being a member of a ...
The Israeli military says it has also killed a member of the militant group. Meanwhile, one man was reported killed in ...
A judge on Tuesday sentenced Anjem Choudary, one of the UK’s most recognised radical Islamist preachers, to life jail after ...
Russia's government is systematically persecuting Christian and other faith communities in occupied regions of Ukraine, ...