How to enter special characters like "&" in oracle database?
Aug 29, 2016 · We can use another way as well for example to insert the value with special characters 'Java_22 & Oracle_14' into db we can use the following format.. 'Java_22 '||'&'||' Oracle_14' Though it consider as 3 different tokens we dont have any option as the handling of escape sequence provided in the oracle documentation is incorrect.
How to list active / open connections in Oracle? - Stack Overflow
Jun 25, 2009 · How to find Oracle database connection details. 7. How to know the number of database connections. 471.
Search All Fields In All Tables For A Specific Value (Oracle)
Yes you can and your DBA will hate you and will find you to nail your shoes to the floor because that will cause lots of I/O and bring the database performance really down as the cache purges. select column_name from all_tab_columns c, user_all_tables u where c.table_name = …
oracle database - Find out the history of SQL queries - Stack …
Oct 18, 2018 · Get list of queries to oracle database. 0. Oracle Table Queried or Modified Date. 0.
Is there any boolean type in Oracle databases? - Stack Overflow
Sep 4, 2018 · No, there isn't a boolean type in Oracle Database, but you can do this way: You can put a check constraint on a column. If your table hasn't a check column, you can add it: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name_check char(1) DEFAULT '1'; When you add a register, by default this column get 1.
Is there a free GUI management tool for Oracle Database Express ...
Database.net is a windows GUI to connect to many different types of databases, oracle included. Oracle SQL Developer is a free tool from Oracle. SQuirreL SQL is a java based client that can connect to any database that uses JDBC drivers. I'm …
How to find the privileges and roles granted to a user in Oracle?
Feb 25, 2013 · As of Oracle 11g. Replace USER with the desired username. Granted Roles: SELECT * FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'USER'; Privileges Granted Directly To User: SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'USER'; Privileges Granted to Role Granted to User:
sql - How to clear all cached items in Oracle - Stack Overflow
Jan 19, 2017 · I'm tuning SQL queries on an Oracle database. I want to ensure that all cached items are cleared before running each query in order to prevent misleading performance results. I clear out the shared pool (to get rid of cached SQL/explain plans) and buffer cache (to get rid of cached data) by running the following commands:
sql - How to Select Top 100 rows in Oracle? - Stack Overflow
Nov 20, 2014 · With release 12.1, Oracle introduced "real" Top-N queries. Using the new FETCH FIRST... syntax, you can also use: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT id, client_id, create_time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY client_id ORDER BY create_time DESC) rn FROM order ) WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY create_time desc FETCH FIRST 100 ROWS ONLY)
sql - Get list of all tables in Oracle? - Stack Overflow
Oct 15, 2008 · A new feature available in SQLcl( which is a free command line interface for Oracle Database) is. Tables alias. Here are few examples showing the usage and additional aspects of the feature. First, connect to a sql command line (sql.exe in windows) session. It is recommended to enter this sqlcl specific command before running any other commands ...